The task to fulfill the task the value of the course Human-Computer Interaction
Arranged by:Fajar Nugraha Revelation 11140910000013
My gratitude to Allah SWT who has bestowed His grace so that I can complete the task this paper.Interest will be from this course is to understand the human being as the most important resource in building the system and also is man who must be considered because the future is who will be using the system built.This paper provides to fulfill tasks that discusses "Human-Computer Interaction".
I realize that this paper still many shortcomings and other things so this paper is felt not perfect. This is due to limited knowledge and ability to compose. For that, I expect criticism and constructive suggestions for the perfection and improve the quality of this paper.
Pamulang, September 2015
Fajar Nugraha Revelation
TABLE OF CONTENTSTITLE PAGE ........................................................................ iINTRODUCTION ..................................................................... .. iiTABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………………………. iii
PART I PENDAHULUAN.......................................................................................... 11.1 Background ................................................................... 11.2 Objectives ............... .. ............................................................ 1
CHAPTER II BASIS THEORY .......................................................... ...... 2
CHAPTER III HUMAN INTERACTION AND COMPUTER .................................. 33.1 HUMANIST ................................................................... ...... 33.2 COMPUTER ............................................................... .. ...... 43.3 INTERACTION ...... .. ............................................................. ... 43.4 PARADIGM .................................... .. ................................. 7
CHAPTER VI CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................. ....................... 104.1 Conclusion ................................................ ............................................. 104.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 10
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................ ............................................... iii
1.1 BackgroundServices are often viewed as a complex phenomenon. Said service itself possessed many meanings, ranging from personal care to service as a product. (Creep Lupiyoadi: 2013). Actually, many experts argued about What is that services, as proposed by Kotler (2004) in Lupianto Creep (2013) defines the service is every action and activities offered by one party to another party, essentially intangible and does not result in any transfer of ownership. Production services may be associated with physical product or not.Many examples of business service itself, such as: Repair, Salon, hospitals, schools and transport on this occasion we chose for our lift in blue print services business that we run.With the support of the large number of universities in Malang both State and non PTM and membludaknya students studying at universities, the universities, the business services of transport in the city of the poor is needed because notabennya these students come from outside the city poor, and do not tap the possibilities students who came from poor cities also need this transportation service for this transportation service provide convenience to consumers who use these services.Go-Jek Indonesia is a transportation service operating in Jakarta since 2011, Go-Jek is a pioneering provider of professional motorcycle. Trying to offer the speed factor, safety, and convenience for its customers, Go-Jek grown up as a promising startup in the capital. To reduce the problem of providing cash, Go-Jek offer e-wallet solutions Go-Jek Credit. Arguably Go-Jek like Uber version suitable motorcycles used to deliver the goods, means of transport, and even helped in the wilds Jakarta shopping activities.
1.2 ObjectivesThe objectives of this course are:● Be able to understand work processes motorcycle online● Be able to understand the explanation of human and computer interaction● Ability to understand the human being as the most important resource in building the system.
Mobile is increasingly growing start feature until kebentuknya. Antiquity Mobile only has a simple form of dialogue or communication between humans and computers that contain only text and less attractive. One example of human and computer interface that uses a text-based programming language PASCAL is Readln and writeln. Until now the extent to which the display Hamdphone own feast for the eyes with a form of dialogue or communication between humans and computers in the form of graphics and very attractive. Examples of human interface and graphics using the computer in the form of visual programming (Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, Delphi, etc.).Because along with the rapid technological developments, the need for the Internet is inevitable. The number of facilities that can be used to make the reason why the Internet is needed in the community. From children to adults all are familiar with the internet and already knows how to run it. No need to be rich or poor everyone can use the internet with their Hotspot scattered all over the area. No wonder the internet than ever before are secondary needs or additional needs could still be alive in the sense that although there was no internet. However, now the internet has become a primary need in line with the course of time in which almost every day people use the internet. Based on the above data, it can be concluded that people's lives can not be separated from the need for the internet.Motorcycle taxi booking system using the online application is already using the system via a modern and professional. Motorcycle taxi online via internet have a pre-booking system that is booked taxis at an earlier time. All services are in this application also integrates with GPS on your phone. So when sending an item online, shopping, or pick up and drop off passengers, can be tracked easily through the maps contained in the application. With the GPS feature, motorcycles position can be directly monitored via smartphone. The payment system in this application is very easy to do. In addition to paying with cash, some online taxis also accept credit payment options. In this application available option "My Wallet". Its content is information about digital money that we have. Credit is how it works using the balance that has been filled in advance. As the mobile phone, we can replenish balance through the nearest ATM
3.1 HUMANISTIn this era of globalization, the world has developed very rapidly, especially the world of technology. That said, the world community is now live in the world of technology because we can see that in recent times people can not be separated from technology. Current technological developments can be seen from the increasing number of sophisticated emerging technologies such as smartphone, smartwatch and others. These advanced technologies can help people in the move. Advanced technologies are now emerging, is also supported by the system and applications that can help human activities. In Indonesia are now a lot of applications are emerging, both for human entertainment applications or application made by a company to its business needs.In Indonesia today, many companies are realizing people's reliance on technology that many companies are utilizing advances and the benefits of technology and people's reliance on technology to create a useful business applications to run their business. In addition to providing benefits to a company, a business application also provides benefits to the wider community. For example, it's been a lot of public transport companies which makes a very useful application for people like blue bird's application is useful for ordering a taxi bluebird online and are currently being widely discussed, namely the application of Go-Jek.Congestion problems in Jakarta it brings the idea of someone to open a business. Go-Jek is a shuttle service with a modern motorcycle-based orders. During these public vehicles which can be booked online was a taxi, but now with the advent of Go-Jek application, we can book a motorcycle taxi service using the online system. Go-Jek are now present on iOS and Android-based phones. This application can be downloaded for free on PlayStore to users of Android and Appstore for Apple users. Go-Jek application has attracted a lot of interest in the community and very much in demand by the public, especially the people of Jakarta for motorcycles which is a two-wheel motorcycle vehicle is considered to be very useful for through traffic jams streets of Jakarta compared to other public transport such as bajaj, taxi and metromini.
3.2 COMPUTERThe main services that take passengers to the destination, the Go-Jek also serve some of the services that shuttle service items (instant courier) and service ordering food, shopping, tickets and so forth (shopping service). Special shopping service, Go-Jek only serve expenditure below Rp 1 million. To determine the rates and bases nearby Go-Jek will be your message, you can find out by accessing the website Go-jack.
Motorcycle taxi booking system using Go-Jek application is already using a system that modern and professional. Go-Jek has a pre-booking system that is booked taxis at an earlier time. All services are in this application also integrates with GPS on your phone. So when Go-Jek send an item, shopping, or pick up and drop off passengers, can be tracked easily through the maps contained in the application. With the GPS feature, motorcycles position can be directly monitored via smartphone.By using the GO-JEK app, you can order the GO-JEK driver to access all of our services. Put your address to find out the cost of service usage. Use the service 'Use my location' to direct the driver to where you are.After you confirm the order, location-based technology we'll find find a Driver position closest to you. Once a driver is assigned, you can see photos Driver, send sms and call. This application can be downloaded via playsote or appstore.
3.3 INTERACTIONThe field of computer science and human interaction is the study of how to design, evaluate, and implement an interactive computer system that can be used by humans easily.2-way communication between the human (user) and computer systems.The interaction is maximized when both parties are able to provide stimulus and response (action and reaction) are mutually supportive, if one can not, then the interaction will experience delays or even towards the goal refraction.The interaction starts from the human desire to use this service to take him or buy food or want to ask him to fetch something. Diulai of opening gojek application that was installed on the cell phone and selecting the menu provided as needed.
Just choose what services we needed. Dimengeti easy and very user friendly in all walks of life.
Then choose where we are and where we will go. On the map looks pengojek Gojek who is near us. Then tap Next, it will display the distance and fare that must be taken and paid for by the users.
Once users see artisan ojeknya, a motorcycle that should memncet menu pick up, which means the customer has been with us. Having reached our goal to provide an assessment to the motorcycle taxi drivers earlier by starring them and comment. Pretty easy and very practical era's hyper-modern.
Factors passenger safety is the top priority of Go-Jek Indonesia. Security Go-Jek can be seen from the motorcycle taxi driver who is experienced and has a driving license. Go-Jek driver also comes in the form of the official uniform jackets and helmets which display the identity of the company Go-Jek. Passengers can also find out the identity of the driver who came to pick him up when you book taxis through smartphone applications through Go-Jek. Another advantage is the Go-Jek provide ISO-standard masks and helmets free of charge for the safety and comfort of passengers. Go-Jek Indonesia are now planning to provide accident insurance for each passenger who booked taxis through this Go-Jek.
3.4 PARADIGMHuman computer interaction is a relationship between humans and computers that have certain characteristics in order to achieve a certain goal by running a system that bertopengkan an interface (interface).Schumpeter describes as follows:... Process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one.
Basically, Schumpeter's theory is more visible on a macro scale. It makes a bit difficult to be applied to the micro scale. Examples of the progress we've been through a shift from the printed newspaper replaced digital papers, printing textbooks replaced e-book, or a public phone cell phone replaced. In any case, there is always something to be destroyed before the advent of something baru.Tentunya this change does not just happen. Always appearing parties against this destruction process. Sometimes they succeed. Often, they even knocked out because of market preferences favor of this new product. Finally, the old economic system destroyed, replaced by a new system that is more acceptable.Now let us apply Schumpeter's theory into the case Gojek.First, we have a talented technopreneur who founded Gojek. The goal is to revolutionize the conventional motorcycle system that tends not in favor of the consumer. Founder Gojek want to make a conventional motorcycle irregular become more organized, not only regionally, but per city. Basically, he wanted to make a giant motorcycle taxi fleet that serves as a reliable service company.Secondly, we have a conventional motorcycle. The brothers motorcycle taxis, which often hung at the intersection and wait for passengers. They still operate in a mess, in the absence of a clear organizational structure, table fare, or guarantee the safety of passengers. Anyway, their business is done carelessly. A system that still reflects the mental pemalak disguise.Here, we can position as an agent of progress Gojek creative and conventional motorcycle as "potential victims" creative progress. Of course, in this case, that will be destroyed is the system, not the brother-brother taxis literally. But the authors agree conventional motorcycle and literally destroyed - good. With the growing Gojek, conventional motorcycles are concerned over their existence is increasingly displaced. Their old system, which is really like palakan smooth, being replaced by a more efficient system and in favor of the customer. Plus, the service, a word that may be alien to a conventional motorcycle, became one of the aspects that further strengthen the position of creative advancement Gojek as agents that are harmful to the conventional motorcycle. By utilizing technology that is already held by thousands of Indonesian middle class, Gojek has the advantage of a landslide victory over a conventional motorcycle.Finally, conventional motorcycles to fight with the only way they know: "Hajar Direct". Agent creative progress forced to his knees in the presence of raw power. Threats drift. Unfortunately, these actions actually increase customer support to agency creative progress and even lower the level of appreciation of the potential victims creative progress. So in short, the case of a conventional motorcycle vs. Gojek This is one small example of creative progress is becoming more frequent as a result of technological developments. Anyone who can not adapt will be destroyed, such as the words Darwin
CHAPTER VICONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS4.1 ConclusionsTo produce a useful system (usable) and safe (safe), meaning that the system can function properly. The system could be to develop and improve the security (safety), interoperability (usability), effectiveness (efectiveness) and efficiency (eficiency). The system is context not only on hardware and software, but also include the environment as a whole, be it a neighborhood community organization work or family environment. While interoperability (usability) is here meant that the system made it easy to use and easy to learn either as individuals or groups. Refers to the functionality of the system or the system can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its work. So practical and was safe to be more adaptable now.
4.2 RecommendationsFor a smartphone or computer technology advances, it is expected that future technological developments capable of changing thought patterns and make the Indonesian people human being creative and innovative. And the growth of kratifitas to produce a work that is useful to humans.Hopefully, by the interaction of humans and computers can be used in accordance with kegunaan.Kemajuan computer or smartphone in the future is expected to help all kinds of jobs people so that they were able to complete their work quickly because the future will be increasingly sophisticated technology and all the work done by a computerized system.
Joseph Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, 1942
10 The question that I do not understand:1. How to identify concepts / paradigms of technologies / applications already exist?2. How to remove the perception that has been embedded in the soul and had penetrated to receive a new perception come from?3. What is the difference with the concept of paradigm?4. Where isini human role more as objects or subjects in the use of technology?5. As we have heard, read and touch what we analy but what we have not measakan analysis, what the next steps that we can run?6. What is the difference Sensory short term memory and working memory in a system including humans?7. What Inductive reasoning?8. Of all the theories in solving problems, the theory of which we must follow in order to seek the best way?9. In the preferred interaction slick menu, what if users with disabilities? No kah the best solution?10. What is a paradigm? Still do not understand thoroughly.
Arranged by:Fajar Nugraha Revelation 11140910000013
My gratitude to Allah SWT who has bestowed His grace so that I can complete the task this paper.Interest will be from this course is to understand the human being as the most important resource in building the system and also is man who must be considered because the future is who will be using the system built.This paper provides to fulfill tasks that discusses "Human-Computer Interaction".
I realize that this paper still many shortcomings and other things so this paper is felt not perfect. This is due to limited knowledge and ability to compose. For that, I expect criticism and constructive suggestions for the perfection and improve the quality of this paper.
Pamulang, September 2015
Fajar Nugraha Revelation
TABLE OF CONTENTSTITLE PAGE ........................................................................ iINTRODUCTION ..................................................................... .. iiTABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………………………. iii
PART I PENDAHULUAN.......................................................................................... 11.1 Background ................................................................... 11.2 Objectives ............... .. ............................................................ 1
CHAPTER II BASIS THEORY .......................................................... ...... 2
CHAPTER III HUMAN INTERACTION AND COMPUTER .................................. 33.1 HUMANIST ................................................................... ...... 33.2 COMPUTER ............................................................... .. ...... 43.3 INTERACTION ...... .. ............................................................. ... 43.4 PARADIGM .................................... .. ................................. 7
CHAPTER VI CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................. ....................... 104.1 Conclusion ................................................ ............................................. 104.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 10
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................ ............................................... iii
1.1 BackgroundServices are often viewed as a complex phenomenon. Said service itself possessed many meanings, ranging from personal care to service as a product. (Creep Lupiyoadi: 2013). Actually, many experts argued about What is that services, as proposed by Kotler (2004) in Lupianto Creep (2013) defines the service is every action and activities offered by one party to another party, essentially intangible and does not result in any transfer of ownership. Production services may be associated with physical product or not.Many examples of business service itself, such as: Repair, Salon, hospitals, schools and transport on this occasion we chose for our lift in blue print services business that we run.With the support of the large number of universities in Malang both State and non PTM and membludaknya students studying at universities, the universities, the business services of transport in the city of the poor is needed because notabennya these students come from outside the city poor, and do not tap the possibilities students who came from poor cities also need this transportation service for this transportation service provide convenience to consumers who use these services.Go-Jek Indonesia is a transportation service operating in Jakarta since 2011, Go-Jek is a pioneering provider of professional motorcycle. Trying to offer the speed factor, safety, and convenience for its customers, Go-Jek grown up as a promising startup in the capital. To reduce the problem of providing cash, Go-Jek offer e-wallet solutions Go-Jek Credit. Arguably Go-Jek like Uber version suitable motorcycles used to deliver the goods, means of transport, and even helped in the wilds Jakarta shopping activities.
1.2 ObjectivesThe objectives of this course are:● Be able to understand work processes motorcycle online● Be able to understand the explanation of human and computer interaction● Ability to understand the human being as the most important resource in building the system.
Mobile is increasingly growing start feature until kebentuknya. Antiquity Mobile only has a simple form of dialogue or communication between humans and computers that contain only text and less attractive. One example of human and computer interface that uses a text-based programming language PASCAL is Readln and writeln. Until now the extent to which the display Hamdphone own feast for the eyes with a form of dialogue or communication between humans and computers in the form of graphics and very attractive. Examples of human interface and graphics using the computer in the form of visual programming (Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, Delphi, etc.).Because along with the rapid technological developments, the need for the Internet is inevitable. The number of facilities that can be used to make the reason why the Internet is needed in the community. From children to adults all are familiar with the internet and already knows how to run it. No need to be rich or poor everyone can use the internet with their Hotspot scattered all over the area. No wonder the internet than ever before are secondary needs or additional needs could still be alive in the sense that although there was no internet. However, now the internet has become a primary need in line with the course of time in which almost every day people use the internet. Based on the above data, it can be concluded that people's lives can not be separated from the need for the internet.Motorcycle taxi booking system using the online application is already using the system via a modern and professional. Motorcycle taxi online via internet have a pre-booking system that is booked taxis at an earlier time. All services are in this application also integrates with GPS on your phone. So when sending an item online, shopping, or pick up and drop off passengers, can be tracked easily through the maps contained in the application. With the GPS feature, motorcycles position can be directly monitored via smartphone. The payment system in this application is very easy to do. In addition to paying with cash, some online taxis also accept credit payment options. In this application available option "My Wallet". Its content is information about digital money that we have. Credit is how it works using the balance that has been filled in advance. As the mobile phone, we can replenish balance through the nearest ATM
3.1 HUMANISTIn this era of globalization, the world has developed very rapidly, especially the world of technology. That said, the world community is now live in the world of technology because we can see that in recent times people can not be separated from technology. Current technological developments can be seen from the increasing number of sophisticated emerging technologies such as smartphone, smartwatch and others. These advanced technologies can help people in the move. Advanced technologies are now emerging, is also supported by the system and applications that can help human activities. In Indonesia are now a lot of applications are emerging, both for human entertainment applications or application made by a company to its business needs.In Indonesia today, many companies are realizing people's reliance on technology that many companies are utilizing advances and the benefits of technology and people's reliance on technology to create a useful business applications to run their business. In addition to providing benefits to a company, a business application also provides benefits to the wider community. For example, it's been a lot of public transport companies which makes a very useful application for people like blue bird's application is useful for ordering a taxi bluebird online and are currently being widely discussed, namely the application of Go-Jek.Congestion problems in Jakarta it brings the idea of someone to open a business. Go-Jek is a shuttle service with a modern motorcycle-based orders. During these public vehicles which can be booked online was a taxi, but now with the advent of Go-Jek application, we can book a motorcycle taxi service using the online system. Go-Jek are now present on iOS and Android-based phones. This application can be downloaded for free on PlayStore to users of Android and Appstore for Apple users. Go-Jek application has attracted a lot of interest in the community and very much in demand by the public, especially the people of Jakarta for motorcycles which is a two-wheel motorcycle vehicle is considered to be very useful for through traffic jams streets of Jakarta compared to other public transport such as bajaj, taxi and metromini.
3.2 COMPUTERThe main services that take passengers to the destination, the Go-Jek also serve some of the services that shuttle service items (instant courier) and service ordering food, shopping, tickets and so forth (shopping service). Special shopping service, Go-Jek only serve expenditure below Rp 1 million. To determine the rates and bases nearby Go-Jek will be your message, you can find out by accessing the website Go-jack.
Motorcycle taxi booking system using Go-Jek application is already using a system that modern and professional. Go-Jek has a pre-booking system that is booked taxis at an earlier time. All services are in this application also integrates with GPS on your phone. So when Go-Jek send an item, shopping, or pick up and drop off passengers, can be tracked easily through the maps contained in the application. With the GPS feature, motorcycles position can be directly monitored via smartphone.By using the GO-JEK app, you can order the GO-JEK driver to access all of our services. Put your address to find out the cost of service usage. Use the service 'Use my location' to direct the driver to where you are.After you confirm the order, location-based technology we'll find find a Driver position closest to you. Once a driver is assigned, you can see photos Driver, send sms and call. This application can be downloaded via playsote or appstore.
3.3 INTERACTIONThe field of computer science and human interaction is the study of how to design, evaluate, and implement an interactive computer system that can be used by humans easily.2-way communication between the human (user) and computer systems.The interaction is maximized when both parties are able to provide stimulus and response (action and reaction) are mutually supportive, if one can not, then the interaction will experience delays or even towards the goal refraction.The interaction starts from the human desire to use this service to take him or buy food or want to ask him to fetch something. Diulai of opening gojek application that was installed on the cell phone and selecting the menu provided as needed.
Just choose what services we needed. Dimengeti easy and very user friendly in all walks of life.
Then choose where we are and where we will go. On the map looks pengojek Gojek who is near us. Then tap Next, it will display the distance and fare that must be taken and paid for by the users.
Once users see artisan ojeknya, a motorcycle that should memncet menu pick up, which means the customer has been with us. Having reached our goal to provide an assessment to the motorcycle taxi drivers earlier by starring them and comment. Pretty easy and very practical era's hyper-modern.
Factors passenger safety is the top priority of Go-Jek Indonesia. Security Go-Jek can be seen from the motorcycle taxi driver who is experienced and has a driving license. Go-Jek driver also comes in the form of the official uniform jackets and helmets which display the identity of the company Go-Jek. Passengers can also find out the identity of the driver who came to pick him up when you book taxis through smartphone applications through Go-Jek. Another advantage is the Go-Jek provide ISO-standard masks and helmets free of charge for the safety and comfort of passengers. Go-Jek Indonesia are now planning to provide accident insurance for each passenger who booked taxis through this Go-Jek.
3.4 PARADIGMHuman computer interaction is a relationship between humans and computers that have certain characteristics in order to achieve a certain goal by running a system that bertopengkan an interface (interface).Schumpeter describes as follows:... Process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one.
Basically, Schumpeter's theory is more visible on a macro scale. It makes a bit difficult to be applied to the micro scale. Examples of the progress we've been through a shift from the printed newspaper replaced digital papers, printing textbooks replaced e-book, or a public phone cell phone replaced. In any case, there is always something to be destroyed before the advent of something baru.Tentunya this change does not just happen. Always appearing parties against this destruction process. Sometimes they succeed. Often, they even knocked out because of market preferences favor of this new product. Finally, the old economic system destroyed, replaced by a new system that is more acceptable.Now let us apply Schumpeter's theory into the case Gojek.First, we have a talented technopreneur who founded Gojek. The goal is to revolutionize the conventional motorcycle system that tends not in favor of the consumer. Founder Gojek want to make a conventional motorcycle irregular become more organized, not only regionally, but per city. Basically, he wanted to make a giant motorcycle taxi fleet that serves as a reliable service company.Secondly, we have a conventional motorcycle. The brothers motorcycle taxis, which often hung at the intersection and wait for passengers. They still operate in a mess, in the absence of a clear organizational structure, table fare, or guarantee the safety of passengers. Anyway, their business is done carelessly. A system that still reflects the mental pemalak disguise.Here, we can position as an agent of progress Gojek creative and conventional motorcycle as "potential victims" creative progress. Of course, in this case, that will be destroyed is the system, not the brother-brother taxis literally. But the authors agree conventional motorcycle and literally destroyed - good. With the growing Gojek, conventional motorcycles are concerned over their existence is increasingly displaced. Their old system, which is really like palakan smooth, being replaced by a more efficient system and in favor of the customer. Plus, the service, a word that may be alien to a conventional motorcycle, became one of the aspects that further strengthen the position of creative advancement Gojek as agents that are harmful to the conventional motorcycle. By utilizing technology that is already held by thousands of Indonesian middle class, Gojek has the advantage of a landslide victory over a conventional motorcycle.Finally, conventional motorcycles to fight with the only way they know: "Hajar Direct". Agent creative progress forced to his knees in the presence of raw power. Threats drift. Unfortunately, these actions actually increase customer support to agency creative progress and even lower the level of appreciation of the potential victims creative progress. So in short, the case of a conventional motorcycle vs. Gojek This is one small example of creative progress is becoming more frequent as a result of technological developments. Anyone who can not adapt will be destroyed, such as the words Darwin
CHAPTER VICONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS4.1 ConclusionsTo produce a useful system (usable) and safe (safe), meaning that the system can function properly. The system could be to develop and improve the security (safety), interoperability (usability), effectiveness (efectiveness) and efficiency (eficiency). The system is context not only on hardware and software, but also include the environment as a whole, be it a neighborhood community organization work or family environment. While interoperability (usability) is here meant that the system made it easy to use and easy to learn either as individuals or groups. Refers to the functionality of the system or the system can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its work. So practical and was safe to be more adaptable now.
4.2 RecommendationsFor a smartphone or computer technology advances, it is expected that future technological developments capable of changing thought patterns and make the Indonesian people human being creative and innovative. And the growth of kratifitas to produce a work that is useful to humans.Hopefully, by the interaction of humans and computers can be used in accordance with kegunaan.Kemajuan computer or smartphone in the future is expected to help all kinds of jobs people so that they were able to complete their work quickly because the future will be increasingly sophisticated technology and all the work done by a computerized system.
Joseph Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, 1942
10 The question that I do not understand:1. How to identify concepts / paradigms of technologies / applications already exist?2. How to remove the perception that has been embedded in the soul and had penetrated to receive a new perception come from?3. What is the difference with the concept of paradigm?4. Where isini human role more as objects or subjects in the use of technology?5. As we have heard, read and touch what we analy but what we have not measakan analysis, what the next steps that we can run?6. What is the difference Sensory short term memory and working memory in a system including humans?7. What Inductive reasoning?8. Of all the theories in solving problems, the theory of which we must follow in order to seek the best way?9. In the preferred interaction slick menu, what if users with disabilities? No kah the best solution?10. What is a paradigm? Still do not understand thoroughly.
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